服務流程(Service Process)

服務流程(Service Process)

A、初步接洽:諮詢、洽談、溝通(Initial contact: consultation, negotiation, communication)

  1. 說明設計流程及收費標準。
    (Explain the design process and charging standards.)
  2. 確認業主與屋主建物關係,住家或是商辦。
    (Confirm the use of owner to the building, whether it is home or business.)
  3. 紀錄業主需求及預算。
    (Record the owner’s needs and budget.)
  4. 確認場勘時間或第二次接洽時間。
    (Confirm the site survey or the second contact)

B、建物場勘:(Site survey of buildings:)

  1. 代客點交:了解屋況及相關設備。
    (Valet delivery: understand the condition of the house and related equipment.)
  2. 現況丈量:屋況拍照與記錄。
    (Current situation measurement: take photos and records of the house conditions.)
  3. 專業包商:現場會勘提供專業建議。
    (Professional contractors: on-site surveys provide professional advice.)
  4. 詢問務業:索取建物竣工圖說及社區管理辦法。
    (Inquiry about business: ask for pictures of the construction and apartment complex regulation.)

C、初步規劃:(Preliminary planning:)

  1. 放樣圖面:依客戶需求配置平面圖。
    (Stakeout drawing: configure the floor plan according to customer requirements.)
  2. 製作簡報:建議評估後之建議。
    (Making a briefing report: Recommendations after the evaluation is recommended.)
  3. 法規檢討:說明室裝流程與注意事項。
    (Review of laws and regulations: explain the room installation process and precautions.)
  4. 確認委託:執行設計規劃與室裝流程。
    (Confirm the commission: carry out the design planning and room decoration process.)

D、設計規劃:確認委託設計合約並簽訂後(Design planning: After confirming the entrusted design contract and signing it)

  1. 建管調圖:調閱建築物竣工及變更資料。
    (Construction management and drawing adjustment: refer to the completion and modification information of the building.)
  2. 平面圖說:明確設計規畫風格、材料、照明等。
    (Floor plan: clarify the design and planning style, materials, lighting, etc.)
  3. 立面圖說:明確設計規畫立剖面造型、材料等。
    (Elevation drawing description: clearly design and plan the elevation section shape, material, etc.)
  4. 其它規劃:空調、廚具、衛浴、家飾、家具之選購及規劃。
    (Other planning: purchase and planning of air conditioners, kitchen utensils, bathrooms, home decorations and furniture.)

E、深化設計:依據前項定案後(Deepening design: After finalization according to the preceding item)

  1. 繪製詳圖:細部設計與施工圖說。
    (Drawing: detail design and construction drawings.)
  2. 設備管線:機電、空調、消防、廚具、衛浴等設計規劃配置。
    (Equipment: design, planning and configuration of electromechanical, air-conditioning, fire fighting, kitchen utensils, sanitary ware, etc.)
  3. 工程標單:編列預算書及標單,請廠商估價及整合。
    (Engineering bids: prepare budgets and bids, and ask manufacturers to estimate and integrate them.)
  4. 預估時程:針對現況,預估工程進度及時程。
    (Estimated the schedule: Estimate the progress and schedule of the project according to the current situation.)

F、工程階段:確認委託工程合約並簽訂後(Engineering stage: After confirming the entrusted project contract and signing it)

  1. 室裝審查:確認室裝許可文件已送件取可。
    (Room decoration review: Confirm that the room decoration permit document has been sent for pickup.)
  2. 按表操課:依據進度排程協調專業廠商進場施作。
    (Operatation: coordinate professional manufacturers to enter and operate according to the schedule.)
  3. 定期回報:回報現場進度,待確認事項提前約定現勘。
    (Periodic report: report the progress of the site, and the items to be confirmed shall be agreed in advance for the on-site survey.)
  4. 家飾傢俱:主吊燈、傢俱及窗簾提案選購。
    (Upholstery and furniture: the main chandelier, furniture and curtains are proposed to be purchased.)

G、完工交屋:(Completed delivery:)

  1. 室裝竣工:收齊竣工所需文件及提交現況照片,送審辦理。
    (Completion of room decoration: Collect all the documents required for completion and submit photos of the current situation, and submit them for review.)
  2. 自主檢查:確認施工品質及細節處理,設備測試運作。
    (Self-inspection: confirm the construction quality and detail processing, and test the operation of the equipment.)
  3. 驗收點交:業主驗收點交及交屋,收取本工程尾款及追加款項。
    (Check and accept: The owner accepts check-in point handover and handover, and collects the final payment and additional payment for the project.)
  4. 保固文件:一年期保固書、室裝竣工相關文件、設備保固書及操作保養文件等。
    (Warranty documents: one-year warranty documents, related documents for the completion of room decoration, equipment warranty documents and operation and maintenance documents, etc.)

H、售後服務:(After-sales service:)

  1. 業主驗收點交日起算,提供一年期保固,乙方提供保固書面文件一份。
    (The owner shall provide a one-year warranty from the date of delivery at the acceptance point of the owner, and the Planner shall provide a written warranty document.)
  2. 設備類屬原廠保固範圍內,保固年限以設備原廠為主。
    (The equipment is within the scope of the original factory warranty, and the warranty period is mainly based on the original equipment.)
  3. 提供終身專業諮詢及收費維修服務。
    (To provide life-long professional consulting and fee-based maintenance services.)

收費標準(Fee standard)

收費標準(Fee standard)
